Saturday, February 4, 2012


Lately I:
- have had this sudden increase in discipline in my eating habits, and overall health. Probably almost entirely due to the things I'm learning in my nutrition class (and man-oh-man am I learning a lot). Also not having the money to go out to eat on a whim. It feels really good to make good choices.
- have been thinking I will let my hair grow out again, but almost every day can't stand it and want to get a trim.
- have been wishing for more opportunity to wear heels. It's not as fun to wear them without someone to show them off to, if you know what I mean.
- have had a real taste of unostentatious living and am really learning to walk in faith and love simplicity.
- love posting photos on instagram and using my phone to take little "film" style photos, though I would like to use my Nikon more.
- have been filled with joy.
- have been thinking a lot about my friends in Minnesota, across the country, and around the world. My little heart misses the comfort of my home in Minnesota every day.
- have had really cold feet like all day every day.
- try to go on a walk every day that the sun is out.
- have been reading through the Old Testament while simultaneously going through art, music and cultural history of the world during the same time frame at school and am so fascinated by it.

I'm looking for ideas, please help! 
I have been looking to expand my recipe collection with some natural* dishes, and am short on ideas. I am looking for recipes that are:
- not from a processed food item
- good as leftovers
- aren't fried
- budget friendly!!!

Let me know if you have some suggestions :)
*By natural I don't mean organic or completely homemade (I'm likely not gonna make homemade pasta or bread at this time), just not canned or pre made. For example, I would like to make some homemade spaghetti sauce, recipes or tips would be SO much appreciated!

Well, tomorrow is the Superbowl or something. I'm just waiting for baseball. Come on Spring.

signing off. going to bed.


  1. Hi there em : )
    You sound so great. Good to hear. I have a bunch of recipes I can send you...maybe too many for a comment so I will facebook you sometime in the next week or two.
    We miss you too!

  2. Yes, ditto on missing you emiloo. I would love to have a visit to cali and go exploring and walking with you. I don't have any recipes to give you, but let me tell you, I've been sooo enjoying using garbanzo beans for more than just hummus. they're delightful! any who, lots of love sista!
