Monday, October 15, 2012

I was browing pinterest....

Well it's been a while since I've had something I'd call blog-worthy to post about but as I was laying in bed a few moments ago (it's 8:45 here.. I'm sleepy.) a thought struck me. I was browsing the kids board, which I don't normally look through, because as close or far away as I may be from having a baby almost all my friends either have, or will soon have, a baby. So they are just on my mind. And when are they not somewhere in the back of my mind, really? Especially after a year as a nanny... SO I was browsing the kids section for fun. I stumbled across this blog post about "quirky discipline rules for children" and thought it might have some interesting pointers to log away for the future. However, rather than the typical astonishment at a pinned discovery full of simple wisdom, I felt really bothered. I decided I wanted to post about it but then thought, "Can I really have an opinion for or against a mother's parenting methods when I don't have any children myself?” I debated for a second then decided it’s not my wish to anger any over worked, stressed, extremely tired mothers but I am safe to say (at least to myself) that I hope I don’t parent like that. I don’t really know what it would be like to raise three kids, take care of household duties and everything else that comes with being an adult who is a wife and mother but I have some idea of what I hope it isn’t like.

Some of the methods didn’t bother me at all and may work wonders for many mothers. But what got to me was this mother’s view on parenting. It was like her kids were constantly in the way of what was more important, the kids were annoying, the kids were too loud, the kids wanted to be entertained, mothering isn’t a 24/7 commitment - it’s a job you can stop when you want peace and quiet (rule 2!!). Now I believe mothers are also women and for all the time and life they give to their family they deserve some rest and some time to themselves. In fact they need it. But my point is this: my hope is that the value and the privilege of raising my children when I think I can’t take another rewind, even of The Lion King, when I am so tired of laundry and cooking and cleaning every day, when I feel under appreciated, when my kids are screaming in the car and so on… I hope I have what it takes to stay in it. I hope my children are never a burden to me and I hope I never forget that I am called to lay down my life for them. To reflect Christ to them every day and  remember that it is a sacrifice of JOY to love them. My mother, for one, raised me like that. And the friends I know who are now raising their children are a true inspiration to me! You mothers are examples of Godly love, wisdom, patience and strength and so much more and I am honored to know you. Truly, I am honored and humbled by you. You all are the kinds of mothers I hope to, one day, be. God’s richest blessings on you my friends.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I know it’s hard to be a mom but God help us – it is a high and special calling, sacred and wonderful. A gift. I hope against hope that I will be called worthy of it.